Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Misinterpret? Miscommunication? Mistake?

I can’t stop my laughing after I read the news about Imagine Cup on my local newspaper.

Sometime miss one word can have a big different, really big different. Most local newspaper put Malaysia won Imagine Cup 2009 without putting the category Design for Development. This can lead to a big misleading cause Imagine Cup main category is Software Design, thus Romania should be the winner this year. If team member of team Romania read this, I’m sure they will sure have a great laugh.

Sometime I really like to ask Chinese newspaper, why they want to translate every single word. If you translate it right, that is OK, if not, it will turn into a great funny story. Guess what is Imagine Cup translation? Answer was… 世界視像杯 (by Guang Ming & Sin Chew), 创意杯 (Kwong Wah). I have no idea how they come out the word “World” and “Image” in the name. Kwong Wah translation was acceptable. Guang Ming very nice, help our team, Team Cosmic translate a Chinese team name as well, named 宇宙隊 and Capricorn translated to 天蠍座. Sin Chew even translated the project name, this is the first time I heard about my own project name in Chinese language, Virtual Health Connect translated to 映像保健聯繫 and GreenEve2Peace translated to 和平綠化. Kwong Wah did not translate the team name and project name. Furthermore, Guang Ming enter my name wrongly, my name is 黄敬翔 not 黃散翔. I’m not split yet…

Guang Ming written that our project was provided RM40,000 development funding. Wawee, where the hell did the RM40,000 come in? Drop from the sky? Don’t simply write something like this, very dangours one lo. Mr. A said something funny to them?

Sin Chew written that USM joined Imagine Cup in year 2004. I think they have some misunderstanding what our Dean said. Actually is since year 2004, not on year 2004 only.

Lastly, guess what they translate “Microsoft”? 电脑软件公司 by Kwong Wah! I guess Bill Gate will laugh if he saw this too.



yeekai5 said...

yeng betul
got a page on newspaper
famous liao lo
must rmb me ya,nex time if bill gate ask u drink tea or work for me

LittleLamb said...

Boss, don't said like that la, I still need you look after me one.